Frank L. Greathouse
2015 Hall of Fame Inductee
In 1973, Frank L. Greathouse joined Bill Snodgrass’s staff, after a distinguished career in public accounting, to serve as Director of State Audit and Assistant to the State Comptroller. He was active in several organizations dedicated to the promotion and enrichment of government auditing. He received the Donald L. Scantlebury Memorial Award in 1978 from the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program in recognition of that dedication.
He served as president of both NSAA and GFOA. He played a vital role in seeing that his state's CAFR met the standards necessary to receive the GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, and to ensuring that Tennessee was the first state to receive this recognition in June 1979.
He was instrumental in the formation of the Nashville chapter of AGA, of which he was the first president, and he received the AGA’s national Distinguished Leadership Award in 1985.
One of his most notable accomplishments was his work in helping form the GASB. He served as chairman of the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council and as chairman of the GASB Task Force on Financial Reporting.
Greathouse was a member of the FAF Board of Trustees. He served as chairman of the National Council on Governmental Accounting. And he played an important role in the State Government Accounting Project coordinated by the Council of State Governments.
Greathouse retired in November 1988. His leadership and tireless commitment to excellence and ethics in government continue to serve as standards for the government auditing community.