Louis L. Goldstein Leadership Award

This award, named after Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury of Maryland and long-time member of NASC, was presented to recognize extraordinary excellence and leadership in state financial management and service to the association. The award is presented at the NASC Annual Conference in March.
 View recipients.

NASC Ed Ross Distinguished Service Award

At his or her discretion, the president of NASC may present this award to an individual to recognize service throughout their career. The award is presented at the NASC Annual Conference in March. View recipients.

NASC President's Award

At his or her discretion, the president of NASC may present an award to a member in recognition of exceptional leadership and service to the profession of governmental finance and to the association. The award is presented at the NASC Annual Conference each March. View recipients.

NASC Special Recognition Award

At his or her discretion, the president of NASC may present this award to an individual on a state comptroller’s staff to recognize exceptional service to his or her peers and to the association. The award is presented at the NASC Annual Conference in March. View recipients.

The NASACT Community

NASACT serves as the premier organization working to bring together state auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers to cooperatively address government financial management issues. NASACT also manages two secretariats - the National State Auditors Association (NSAA) and the National Association of State Comptrollers (NASC). Both NSAA and NASC are included under the umbrella of NASACT’s budget and utilize staff hired by NASACT.