01/24 GASB's ED on Disclosure and Classification of Certain Capital Assets
03/23 GASB's ED on Additional Proposal for Implementation Guidance Update - 2023
01/23 GASB's ED on Implementation Guidance Update - 2023
09/22 GASB's ED on Certain Risk Disclosures
10/21 GASB's Revised ED on Notes to Financial Statements
09/21 GASB's ED on Omnibus 20XX
08/21 GASB's ED on Accounting Changes and Error Corrections
06/21 GASB's ED on The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
06/21 GASB's ED on Compensated Absences
03/21 GASB's ED on Recognition of Elements of Financial Statements
03/21 GASB's ED on Financial Reporting Model Improvements
02/21 GASB's PV on Revenue and Expense Recognition
02/21 GASB's ED on Implementation Guidance Update - 2021
06/20 GASB's ED on the CARES Act Technical Bulletin
04/20 GASB's ED on Postponement of the Effective Dates of Certain Authoritative Guidance
04/20 GASB's ED on Communication Methods in General Purpose External Financial Reports That Contain Basic Financial Statements: Notes to Financial Statements
04/20 GASB's ED on Certain Component Unit Criteria, and Accounting and Financial Reporting for Internal Revenue Code Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plans
01/20 GASB's ED on Implementation Guidance Update - 2020
11/19 GASB's ED on Replacement of Interbank Offered Rates
09/19 GASB's ED on Omnibus 20XX
09/19 GASB's ED on IRC Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plans
09/19 GASB's ED on Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships and Availability Payment Arrangements
08/19 GASB's ED on Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements
04/19 GASB's ED on Leases Proposed Implementation Guide
02/19 GASB's ED on Fiduciary Activities Proposed Implementation Guide
02/19 GASB's PVs on Financial Reporting Model Improvements and Recognition of Elements of Financial Statements
01/19 GASB's ED on Implementation Guidance Update - 2019
11/18 GASB's ED on Conduit Debt Obligations
04/18 GASB's ITC on Revenue and Expense Recognition
02/18 GASB's ED on Interest Cost during the Period of Construction
02/18 GASB's ED on Implementation Guide No. 201Y-X
01/18 GASB's ED on Majority Equity Interests
09/17 GASB's ED on Implementation Guide No. 201X-Z
09/17 GASB's ED on Certain Disclosures Related to Debt
03/17 GASB's ITC on Financial Reporting Model Improvements - Governmental Funds
01/17 GASB's ED on Implementation Guide No. 201X-Y
12/16 GASB's ED on Implementation Guide No. 201X-X
11/16 GASB's ED on Omnibus 201X
10/16 GASB's ED on Certain Debt Extinguishment Issues
05/16 GASB's ED on Leases
04/16 GASB's ED on Fiduciary Activities
03/16 GASB's ED on Certain Asset Retirement Obligations
02/16 GASB's ED on Pension Issues
11/15 GASB's ED on Implementation Guide No. 20XX-X
11/15 GASB's ED on Pensions Provided through Certain Multiple-Employer Defined Benefit Pension Plans
09/15 GASB's ED on Blending Requirements for Certain Component Units
09/15 GASB's ED on Irrevocable Split-Interest Agreements
08/15 GASB's ED on Certain External Investment Pools
03/15 GASB's PV on Leases
03/15 GASB's PV on Financial Reporting for Fiduciary Responsibilities
01/15 GASB's ED on Tax Abatement Disclosures
12/14 GASB's ED on Implementation Guide
12/14 GASB's ED on The Hierarchy of GAAP for State and Local Governments
10/14 NAST-NASACT Workgroup Issues Letter Regarding Changes to SEC Rule 2a-7 and the Impacts on Local Government Investment Pools
08/14 GASB's ED on Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions (Employer)
08/14 GASB's ED on Postemplolyment Benefit Plans Other Than Pension Plans
08/14 GASB's ED on Pension Plans That Are Not Administered through Trusts
08/14 GASB's ED on Fair Value Measurement and Application
06/14 NASACT Reaffirms Position on GASB Jurisdiction
09/13 FAF's Proposal on GASB’s Scope of Authority
09/13 GASB’s PV on Fair Value Measurement and Application
09/13 GASB’s ED on Measurement of Elements of Financial Statements
08/13 GASB’s ED on Pension Transition for Contributions Made Subsequent to the Measurement Date
05/13 FAF’s GASB’s Scope of Authority: Proposed Changes to Agenda-Setting Process
09/12 GASB’s ED on Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Financial Guarantee Transactions
06/12 GASB’s ED on Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations
04/12 GASB’s PV on Economic Condition Reporting: Financial Projections

The NASACT Community

NASACT serves as the premier organization working to bring together state auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers to cooperatively address government financial management issues. NASACT also manages two secretariats - the National State Auditors Association (NSAA) and the National Association of State Comptrollers (NASC). Both NSAA and NASC are included under the umbrella of NASACT’s budget and utilize staff hired by NASACT.