Congressional & Regulatory Comments


10/24 NASACT Responds to Financial Data Transparency Act Join Data Standards Proposed Rule
04/24 NASACT Urges DHHS to Address SWCAP Delay Concerns
04/24 NASACT Supports Government Spending Oversight Act, S. 4036
12/23 NASACT Comments on Treasury’s Interim Final Rule on Obligation
12/23 NASACT’s Association Response to OMB’s “Proposed Revisions to Guidance for Grants and Agreements”
12/23 NASACT joins other state and local groups in responding to OMB’s “Proposed Revisions to Guidance for Grants and Agreements”
11/23 NASACT comments on State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund interim rule
09/23 NASACT joins other government groups to request clear guidance from Treasury on several areas concerning the SLFRF
09/23 NASACT supports the STEM Education in Accounting Act of 2023
07/23 NASACT joins other financial associations in requesting that FDIC exempt collateralized public deposits when using “uninsured deposits” as the base for special assessments
12/22 NASACT Provides Comments to IRS on Form 1098-F Concerning Fines and Penalties
03/22 Disclosure Industry Workgroup responds to MSRBs Request for Information on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Practices in the Municipal Securities Market
02/22 Government Groups Seek Extension on Temporary Relief
02/22 NSAA Letter to OMB and Education Requesting Removal of SFA Language in 2022 Compliance Supplement
11/21 PFN Letter Urging Inclusion of Muni Bond Provisions in Build Back Better Package and Excluding Munis from the Corporate AMT Proposal
07/21 Comments on Interim Final Rule Regarding Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
03/21 Financial four offers input on anticipated guidance for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, as part of the American Rescue Plan Act
12/20 Government groups request federal funding to address budget shortfalls and projected losses in revenue
10/20 NSAA requests Single Audit extension because of expected COVID-19 addendum to Compliance Supplement
10/20 Government groups respond regarding the Municipal Liquidity Facility
09/20 NASACT and NASBO request delay from Treasury OIG on Coronavirus Relief Fund quarterly reporting
07/20 NASACT Response Letter Regarding Section 6050X of the Internal Revenue Code
06/20 NASACT joins Big 7 and broad coalition to appeal for federal aid
05/20 State and local groups request federal financial assistance for cybersecurity, IT and infrastructure needs related to COVID-19
05/20 State and local groups request federal financial assistance for lost revenue due to COVID-19
04/20 NASACT's comments to the MSRB on changes to the composition of the board
04/20 NASC Comments to IRS on redesigned Form W-4 and changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
04/20 NAST, GFOA and NASACT comment to Treasury and the Federal Reserve on Implementing Section 4003 of the CARES Act
03/20 NASACT comments to OMB on proposed revisions to Title 2 of the CFR Subtitle A, OMB Guidance for Grants and Agreements
03/20 Big 7, NASACT and GFOA request pause to all open public comment periods
03/20 Public Finance Network Supports COVID-19 Stimulus
02/20 Public Finance Letter for Ways and Means Hearing on Infrastructure Reiterating the Importance of Municipal Bonds
01/20 NASC Comments to the IRS on transition relief related to health coverage reporting required by I.R.C. Sections 6055 and 6056 for 2019
10/19 NASACT Comments to the IRS with concerns about 26 U.S.C. 6050X: Information with respect to certain fines, penalties, and other amounts
09/19 NASACT Comments to the IRS on the reinstatement of Form 1099-NEC
12/18 Members of the Public Finance Network congratulate Congressman Steve Stivers (R-OH), who will join Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) as Co-Chairman of the House Municipal Finance Caucus
12/18 NASC Responds to IRS Calculation of Unrelated Business Taxable Income
10/18 NASACT Comments to OMB on the Implications of GASB No. 87, Leases, on the Interpretation and Application of the Uniform Guidance
07/18 NASC Responds to IRS Draft Revision to Form W-4
06/18 Public Pension Network Responds to Introduction of the Public Employee Pension Transparency Act
12/17 Public Finance Network Continues to Express Concerns About the Tax Treatment of Private Activity Bonds and Requests Delay in the Effective Date of the Advance Refunding Provision in Tax Reform
11/17 Public Finance Network Opposes Bond Provisions in H.R. 1
04/17 NASACT Responds to IRS Notice on De Minimis Error Safe Harbor
04/17 Government Groups Urge Congress to Classify Municipal Securities as High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
03/17 Muni Bond Coalition Urges Congress to Support Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds
02/17 NSAA Comments on SFA Compliance Supplement Vett Draft - Securing Student Information
02/01 State and Locals Write Congress Urging It to Retain Section 978 of Dodd-Frank, Which Established the GASB Support Fee
01/23 NASACT Signs Letter Offering Suggestions to MSRB on Enhancing Access to EMMA
01/17 Public Finance Network Asks Congress to Retain Tax Exemption for Municipal Bonds
11/16 NASACT and Others Send Letter to OMB Expressing Concern Regarding Department of Education’s Audit Requirements of Title IV Student Aid Programs
09/16 NASACT Signs Letter Asking Senators to Support Classifying Municipal Securities as HQLA
08/16 NASACT and Others Updated Guidance on Amending Outstanding CDAs
05/16 NASACT Responds to IRS Proposal on Amending the Definition of Political Subdivision for Municipal Bond Purposes
05/16 NSAA Objects to Auditing the SFA Cluster Annually
05/16 NASACT’s Letter to OMB Regarding Section 200.431(g) of the Uniform Guidance, Pension Plan Costs
05/16 NSAA Asks OMB to Allow Auditors to "Smooth" Major Program Selection Using Low-Risk Type-A Programs to Address Uniform Guidance
01/16 Joint Letter Supporting Passage of H.R. 2209 Legislation to Treat Municipal Securities as High-Quality Liquid Assets
12/15 Public Pension Network Opposes Additional Pension Reporting in Puerto Rico Specific Legislation
12/15 Joint Association Letter in Support of H.R. 2209
12/15 Joint Association Letter to House GOP Leaders in Support of H.R. 2209
07/15 Public Finance Network Comments on the Federal Reserve’s Proposal Regarding Liquidity Coverage Ratio: Treatment of U.S. Municipal Securities as High?Quality Liquid Assets
05/15 NASACT Joins Other Groups in Supporting Legislation to Treat Investment Grade Municipal Securities as High Quality Liquid Assets
06/14 State and Local Groups Respond to SEC Commissioner Gallagher's Remarks Regarding Public Pension Disclosure
01/14 Public Finance Network Weighs in on Liquidity Coverage Ratio: Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring Federal Reserve System
09/13 NASACT Response to SEC Money Market Fund Proposal
09/13 Public Finance Network Requests Roundtable to Discuss SEC Money Market Fund Proposal
09/13 Public Finance Network Comments on SEC Money Market Fund Proposal
07/13 NASACT Responds to Proposed Revisions to 2013 SF-SAC
05/13 NASACT Responds to OMB's Grant Reform Proposal
04/13 Public Pension Network urges House members not to co-sponsor the Public Employee Pension Transparency Act
04/13 NASACT Sends Comments to the Ways and Means Tax Reform Working Group Regarding Retention of the Municipal Bond Tax Exemption
04/13 State and Local Groups Reiterate Opposition to Public Pension Transparency Legislation
03/13 State and Local Groups Continue to Urge Retention of the Tax Exemption for Municipal Bonds
02/13 Government Groups Respond to FSOC Recommendations on Money Market Mutual Funds
12/12 NASACT joins other State and Local Groups in Urging Retention of the Municipal Bond Tax Exemption During Year-end Negotiations to Avert the Fiscal Cliff
11/12 NASACT Responds to SEC Report on Muncipal Market
11/12 NASACT Supports New Senate Version of DATA Act
10/12 Public Finance Network Requests That Agencies Set a Risk-Weight Category That Reflect the True Risk of Municipal Securities
09/12 NASACT Responds to Moody's Proposed Adjustments to Pension Liability, Asset and Cost Information
07/12 NASACT's statement to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs on federal spending transparency
02/12 Government groups release "2012 Fact Sheet" on bankruptcy, bonds and pensions
04/12 NASACT Members Respond to OMB Grant Reform Ideas
04/12 State and Local Groups Express Concerns About DATA Act Requirements
03/12 State and Local Groups Urge SEC to Retain Stable Net Asset Value of Money Market Mutual Funds
02/12 State and Local Groups Urge Congress to Reject Proposal to Limit Municipal Tax Exemption for High Income Earners
02/12 State and Local Groups Urge Consistency in Definition of Municipal Securities in Proposed Volcker Rule
01/12 NASACT Responds to Federal Register Notice on FINRA’s GASB Support Fee 

The NASACT Community

NASACT serves as the premier organization working to bring together state auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers to cooperatively address government financial management issues. NASACT also manages two secretariats - the National State Auditors Association (NSAA) and the National Association of State Comptrollers (NASC). Both NSAA and NASC are included under the umbrella of NASACT’s budget and utilize staff hired by NASACT.