Robert H. Attmore

2017 Hall of Fame Inductee

Following service in the U.S. Army from 1967 to 69, where he received a Bronze Star for meritorious service, Robert H. Attmore worked as an audit manager for Deloitte Haskins & Sells CPAs.
He began his career in government as director of internal audit at New York’s Office of Mental Health. While there, he managed a major expansion of the internal audit unit and integrated internal audit into the culture of one of New York’s largest state agencies. He continued down this path of service and commitment to transparency and efficiency during his role as New York’s de facto state auditor between 1984 and 2003. Audits conducted during his tenure identified billions of dollars in savings for the citizens of his state.
Attmore was appointed chairman of the GASB in July 2004, and he served in this role for nine years through June 2013. During his time at GASB, he tackled issues including significant changes to the reporting of pension obligations, fund balance reporting, pollution remediation and financial guarantees, suggested guidelines on service efforts and accomplishments, and updates to several long-standing GASB statements.
He is an Audit Advisory Committee member for the U.S. Government Accountability Office, a senior fellow with the Governing Institute, and a fellow with the New York State Academy for Public Administration. He is a past president of the National State Auditors Association, he served as treasurer of NASACT’s executive committee, and he was a member of the U.S. Comptroller General’s Advisory Council on Governmental Auditing Standards.
Bob Attmore’s commitment to improving government operations, and his stewardship of the public interest have been hallmarks of a long and noteworthy career.

The NASACT Community

NASACT serves as the premier organization working to bring together state auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers to cooperatively address government financial management issues. NASACT also manages two secretariats - the National State Auditors Association (NSAA) and the National Association of State Comptrollers (NASC). Both NSAA and NASC are included under the umbrella of NASACT’s budget and utilize staff hired by NASACT.