Other NSAA Awards

Distinguished Service Award


Staci Henshaw, Auditor of Public Accounts (VA)


Deborah Loveless, former Director, Division of State Audit, Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury (TN)


Janice Mueller, former State Auditor (WI)


President's Award


Hollie Andrus, Deputy State Auditor (UT)
Scott DeViney, Assistant Director for Quality Assurance (WA)
Greg Fugate, Director of Communications and Quality Assurance (CO)
Scott Owens, Quality Assurance Manager (GA)
Jennifer Paperman, Quality Assurance Manager (NY)

Lifetime Achievement Award


Robert H. Attmore, Chairman, Governmental Accounting Standards Board

The NASACT Community

NASACT serves as the premier organization working to bring together state auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers to cooperatively address government financial management issues. NASACT also manages two secretariats - the National State Auditors Association (NSAA) and the National Association of State Comptrollers (NASC). Both NSAA and NASC are included under the umbrella of NASACT’s budget and utilize staff hired by NASACT.