Message from Immediate Past President Lillard
Section: Around the Nation

It has been an honor to serve as the host of this year’s annual conference and as your NASACT President for this last year. We have seen exciting progress in our conferences and trainings, our resources to state governments, the organization’s influence in Washington on behalf of us at the state level, and more. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of many great leaders and spearhead the efforts of this past year.

As my tenure is coming to a close, I want to leave you with one particular observation, and that is the importance of being active. NASACT is here to serve you, to provide guidance and resources to meet your needs, and the way NASACT does that best is through your active participation and leadership.

We strive to achieve what is best for state auditors, comptrollers, and treasurers across the country, and our most effective strategy is in collaboration between NASACT’s Executive leadership and its active members. We need you to participate, to be engaged, to serve on committees and to step up on the issues that matter to you and your constituents.

Tennessee State Treasurer David H. Lillard, Jr., and Executive Director Kinney Poynter.

I would like to, once again, thank Director Kinney Poynter and the NASACT staff who have worked tirelessly to make this 102nd Annual Conference truly remarkable. We look forward to seeing you all in Salt Lake City next year!