2019 Washington Office Survey: The Results Are In!
Section: Washington Update

The results are in on the 2019 Washington Office survey, with 32 offices from 23 different states participating. The responses are an invaluable asset to NASACT’s Washington office, as they provide a snapshot of the issues of importance to members and help guide efforts for the office during the upcoming year. Thanks to all of those who were able to respond and submit comments.
 Top 5 Issues
  1. Timely disclosure of state financial reports.
  2. OMB cost circulars/administrative rules.
  3. Public sector pension plans (disclosure and funding issues).
  4. Cash Management Improvement Act issues.
  5. Proposals to amend the Single Audit Act.

5 Lowest-Ranking Issues
  1. Municipal market: congressional proposals.
  2. Municipal market (issues concerning the market or the issuance of bonds):SEC/IRS/MSRB rules and regulations.
  3. Federal deficit reduction/tax reform.
  4. Federal offset issues.
  5. Federal regulatory reform.

Quotes from the Survey
Below is a random sampling of some of the comments received.

Are there any new Congressional or Federal agency issues that the Washington office can address for you?
  • Banking issues related to state approved marijuana distribution.
  • Changes in the OMB cost circulars related to pension costs and capitalization threshold, improper payments.
  • UBIT parking issues, including amendment/repeal of the parking portion of the law and additional clarifying guidance from IRS regarding the UBIT parking. 
Are there Federal areas/issues in which NASACT should have a more active role?
  • Seek improved communication avenues for states to obtain information from U.S. Treasury regarding TOP offsets of federal funds draw downs.
  • State auditor access to tax data for purposes of child support and health exchange auditing. 
  • Change OMB Circular administration to permit federal contributions to pension stabilization reserve. 
What is the best thing in financial management going on in your state/office today?
  • Robust salary administration designed to eliminate inequities and reward competence and performance.
  • Implementation of ERP systems and utilization of those systems to efficiently manage our Medicaid expansion initiative as well as transparency of our data for the public.
  • Collection of more current financial information from local government finances and the ability to perform more analysis for prioritizing local government audits and planning audits or investigations as needed.
  • Increasing efficiency through data analytics, process re-engineering and automation. 
Have you or your staff added or liked NASACT’s Facebook page?
  • Yes:                                                                             15.63%
  • No:                                                                              31.25%
  • Not applicable/Do not have a Facebook page:           53.13%

More Information
For detailed results of the survey, or if you would like to discuss some of the commentary we received, please feel free to contact Neal Hutchko in the Washington Office by email or at (202) 624-5873.