Roger Norman is NASACT's New President
Section: NASACT

On March 7, 2018, NASACT President Debbie Davenport informed NASACT that she was retiring as Arizona auditor general effective March 23, 2018. Accordingly, she would also be resigning as NASACT president.
Whenever there is a vacancy in an officer position on the Executive Committee, Article III, section 4 of the NASACT bylaws state that:
“In the event that a vacancy shall occur in any officer position of the Association, the Executive Committee, as described in Article IV, section 8, shall be empowered to appoint any member in good standing of the Association from the same organization as the former officer to fill the unexpired term.”
Article IV, section 8, states:
“In the event that a vacancy shall occur in any Executive Committee position, a majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill the vacancy until such time as the organization from which the Executive Committee member was elected may convene to elect a successor to fill the unexpired term.”
Following this guidance, President Davenport’s replacement should be a state auditor. The next state auditor in line of seniority (i.e., has served as president of the National State Auditors Association) and who was willing and able to accept the position was Roger Norman, legislative auditor of Arkansas.
At an Executive Committee meeting held on Tuesday, March 20, the Nominating Committee recommended that Roger Norman be elected to finish Davenport’s term as president of NASACT. The Executive Committee unanimously elected Norman as NASACT’s president. His term will conclude at the 2018 NASACT Annual Conference.