NASACT and CPCE-F Create U.S./Mexico Study Tour Program
Section: NASACT

On November 24, 2022, NASACT and the Permanent Commission of Comptrollers States-Federation (CPCE-F) signed an agreement to create a state-to-state study tour program. Attending the CPCE-F conference in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, on behalf of NASACT was Immediate Past President Richard Eckstrom, comptroller general of South Carolina.


Since 2019, the CPCE-F and NASACT have met both virtually and in person to collaborate on government financial management and oversight issues of mutual interest. This collaboration and exchange of ideas has provided great value to both organizations in addressing government accountability challenges in Mexico and the United States.

To further enhance and strengthen the training and information sharing between CPCE-F and NASACT members, a state-to-state study tour program is being adopted. Under this program, a NASACT member office would host a CPCE-F member representative for a short-term exchange with the visiting CPCE-F member learning about specific topics of interest. The CPCE-F member could also acquire a general knowledge of state auditor, comptroller and treasurer functions in the United States. This study tour could be reciprocated in Mexico with a NASACT member visiting the office of a CPCE-F member, either in the state of a visiting CPCE-F member or in any other state that would address topics of interest to a visiting NASACT member.

This is a voluntary program with any member of NASACT and CPCE-F encouraged to participate. Some key components of the program are as follows:
  • Organization and coordination: provided by CPCE-F and NASACT staff.
  • Costs: incurred and paid by the states participating in the program. Sending states will incur all costs associated with the transportation, lodging and meals of their participating members.
  • Length of study tour: generally, one to two weeks depending on the nature and scope of study.
Several topics of mutual interest between the members of CPCE-F and NASACT could be addressed in a study tour. These include:
  • Structure and functions (faculties and reports) of the executive and legislative branches at the state level
  • Functions of the financial executive power offices (auditors, comptrollers and treasurers)
  • Accounting, financial statements, and reports
  • Internal control
  • Risk assessment
  • Budget and planning
  • State payroll
  • Cash management supervision
  • Best practices in ethics
  • Personal financial disclosures by public servants (Patrimonial Declaration)
  • Performance reporting
  • Vendor management
  • Audit of basic financial statements
  • Audits of municipalities
  • Anticorruption system
  • IT resources, platforms, and technology
  • Interrelations with federal executive and legislative powers
  • Fiscal transparency
  • Cybersecurity
  • Debt vehicles and instruments
  • Taxation
  • Pension benefit administration
  • Budgeting performance, and results evaluation
  • Federal funds
  • Institutional management improvement program
  • Intergovernmental fiscal coordination
  • Quality of public spending
  • Public financial discipline
  • Accountability and oversight
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Purchase/procurement cards

How to Participate

If you are interested in participating or learning more about this opportunity, please email Kinney Poynter.