Section: NASACT

Several NASACT members and former members were honored with awards at the recent 2022 NASACT Annual Conference, held in Charleston, South Carolina, on August 21-24. Award recipients were selected by NASACT President and South Carolina Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom. Awards were given during a ceremony on August 23 in three categories. Recipients were:

Distinguished Service Award

  • Beth Pearce – Pearce, state treasurer of Vermont, has been involved in numerous NASACT initiatives over the year. She is a past president of NASACT, and most recently accepted the role of chair of the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC), a substantial responsibility.
  • Steve McCoy – McCoy, state treasurer of Georgia, was recognized for his ongoing participation in NASACT and for chairing a past work group that developed a joint NASACT/NAST document outlining best practices for stable net asset value local government investment pools.
President’s Awards
  • Staci Henshaw – Henshaw, who is Virginia’s auditor of public accounts, was recognized for her work on technical activities on behalf of the state auditors and NASACT overall. Among other things, she serves on the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Compliance Audits Task Force, as chair of the National State Auditors Association’s (NSAA) Audit Standards and Reporting Committee, and as a member of the NSAA Auditing Standards Board Task Force and the NASACT Subcommittee for GASAC Input. She is also co-chair of NASACT’s Committee on Accounting, Reporting and Auditing.
  • Lynne Bajema – Bajema is the retired state comptroller of Oklahoma. Over her career, she has been very involved in NASACT’s technical activities. She has testified before the Governmental Accounting Standards Board on behalf of the association. She is an immediate past president of the National Association of State Comptrollers (NASC) and has served on many committees of both NASACT and NASC throughout her time as comptroller of Oklahoma.
  •  Manju Ganeriwala – Ganeriwala is the retired state treasurer of Virginia. Over her career, she has been very involved in NASACT’s activities. She served on numerous committees over the years, and even now in her retirement she will continue to serve her peers as one of the government trustees of the Financial Accounting Foundation.
Special Recognition Awards
  • Doug Cotnoir – Cotnoir, state controller of Maine, was recognized for his leadership on issues related to managing COVID relief funding and his valuable and ongoing contributions to efforts by states to address the American Rescue Plan Act.